
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

THIRD EYE - Ajna Chakra, Part 2


The Sanskrit word ajna means 'command'. This chakra is so called because it represents the level of awareness and harmony where it is possible for direct mind to mind communication between two people. It is the stage of sensitivity where individual minds can meet. It is the centre through which the guru communicates with his disciples and gives them commands. It is the link or bridge between the guru and disciple; therefore, this chakra is often called the guru chakra. It is the gateway to the inner temple of subtle initiation. Ajna chakra has many other names. It is called the eye of intuition where an awakened aspirant can perceive events in both the outer and psychic realms. The most common name is the third eye - the psychic eye that is located midway between the two physical eyes. This is the eye that looks inwards instead of outwards. It is an eye that everyone has, yet which few people know about and fewer actually open and use. In a sense most people are blind, since this third eye is never utilized to view the deeper levels of being. It lies dormant. In Sikhism it is also called the tisra til (third eye).

In India, the ajna chakra is called the divya chakshu (divine eye); the jnana chakshu or jnana netra (eye of knowledge) for it is the channel through which the spiritual aspirant receives revelation and insight into the underlying nature of existence. It is also called the eye of Shiva. There are various reasons for this name; one is that the ajna chakra is the means through which consciousness (Shiva) filters down to individuality. Also Shiva is the epitome of meditation and this is directly associated with awakening of the ajna chakra.

Various poets of India, such as Kabir, allude to the ajna chakra. They call it such names as the bankunal (the curving, zigzagging path) indicating the precarious path to wisdom; and the bhramariguha (cave of bees) indicating that subtle sound (nada) is the home-line between the ajna chakra of individual being and the sahasrara.

The ajna chakra trigger point is located in the centre of the brain at the top of the spine. However, this is a difficult area to sense for the purpose of yogic practices. Therefore, an associated trigger point called the bhrumadhya is utilized to awaken ajna chakra.

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