
Thursday, June 30, 2011


Many wise men believe this table was dictated to Abraham by an Angel and that it determined his actions: he neither sowed or transplanted except on auspicious days and for this reason everything went marvelously for him. If your ploughmen did likewise their yield would certainly increase.


Note: For record purposes only.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Fragment A height 17.5 cm (6 7/8 in.), length 17.5 cm (6 7/8 in.)

Fragment B height 6.4 cm (2 1/2 in.), length 6.9 cm (2 11/16 in.)

4Q201(En ara) Parchment Copied ca. 200-150 B.C.E.
Courtesy of the Israel Antiquities Authority (11)
One of the most important apocryphic works of the Second Temple Period is Enoch. According to the biblical narrative (Genesis 5:21-24), Enoch lived only 365 years (far less than the other patriarchs in the period before the Flood). Enoch "walked with God; then he was no more for God took him."

The original language of most of this work was, in all likelihood, Aramaic (an early Semitic language). Although the original version was lost in antiquity, portions of a Greek translation were discovered in Egypt and quotations were known from the Church Fathers. The discovery of the texts from Qumran Cave 4 has finally provided parts of the Aramaic original. In the fragment exhibited here, humankind is called on to observe how unchanging nature follows God's will.

The Book of Enoch is a pseudoepigraphal work (a work that claims to be by a biblical character). The Book of Enoch was not included in either the Hebrew or most Christian biblical canons, but could have been considered a sacred text by the sectarians. The original Aramaic version was lost until the Dead Sea fragements were discovered.

Milik, Jazef. T., ed. The Books of Enoch: Aramaic Fragments of Qumran Cave 4 (Oxford, 1976) Printed book. General Collections, Library of Congress.

English Translation of Enoch (Hanokh)

4Q201(En ara) Courtesy of the
Israel Antiquities Authority (11)
Ena I ii
12....But you have changed your works,
13.[and have not done according to his command,
transgressed] against him; (and have spoken)
and harsh words, with your impure mouths,
14.[against his majesty, for your heart is hard].
will have no peace.

Ena I iii
13.[They (the leaders) and all ... of them took
for themselves] 14. wives from all that they chose and
[they began to cohabit with them and to defile
themselves with them];
15.and to teach them sorcery and [spells and
the cutting of roots; and to acquaint them with herbs.]
16.And they become pregnant by them and
bore]great) giants three thousand cubits high ...]



A Hebrew apocryphal book. It was originally written in Aramaic rather than Hebrew and hence was not included in the canon of the Hebrew Bible or in the Christian Old Testament. It was included in the collection of other materials generally called pseudepigrapha (various pseudonymous or anonymous Jewish religious writings of the period 200 B.C.E. to 200 C.E.). The original version was lost about the end of the fourth century, and only fragments remained, but James Bruce, the Scottish explorer, brought back a copy in Ethiopian from Abyssinia in1773, which was probably made from the version known to the early Greek fathers. In this work the spiritual world is minutely described, as is the region of Sheol, the place of the wicked.

The book also deals with the history of the fallen angels, their relations with the human species, and the foundations of magic. The book says that:

‘‘There were angels who consented to fall from heaven that they might have intercourse with the daughters of Earth. For in those days the sons of men having multiplied, there were born to them daughters of great beauty. And when the angels, or sons of heaven, beheld them, they were filled with desire; wherefore they said to one another: ‘Come let us choose wives from among the race of man, and let us beget children.’

‘‘Their leader Samyasa, answered thereupon and said: ‘Perchance you will be wanting in the courage needed to fulfil this resolution, and then I alone shall be answerable for your fall.’ But they swore that they would in no wise repent and that they would achieve their whole design.

‘‘Now there were two hundred who descended on Mount Armon, and it was from this time that the mountain received its designation, which signifies Mount of the Oath. Hereinafter follow the names of those angelic leaders who descended with this object: Samyasa, chief among all, Urakabarameel, Azibeel, Tamiel, Ramuel, Danel, Azkeel, Sarakuyal, Asael, Armers, Batraal, Anane, Zavebe, Sameveel, Ertrael, Turel, Jomiael, Arizial. They took wives with whom they had intercourse, to whom also they taught Magic, the art of enchantment and the diverse properties of roots and trees. Amazarac gave instruction in all secrets of sorcerers; Barkaial was the master of those who study the stars; Akibeel manifested signs; and Azaradel taught the motions of the moon.’’

In this account, which harkens back to several biblical passages (Genesis 6:4; Isaiah 14:12), there is a description of the profanation of mysteries. The fallen angels exposed their occult and heaven-born wisdom to earthly women, whereby it was profaned, and brute force, taking advantage of the profanation of divine law, reigned supreme. Only a deluge could wipe out the stain of the enormity and pave the way for a restitution of the balance between the human and the divine, which had been disturbed by these unlawful revelations.

According to tradition, Enoch did not die, but was carried up to heaven (Genesis 5:18–24), from where he will return at the end of time. He has also been identified with Thoth of the Egyptians, Cadulus of the Phoenicians, and Palamedes of the Greeks. According to some occultists, he inspired the Kabala and the symbols of the tarot.

The Book of Enoch is one of the most important works of the pseudepigrapha and is actually a set of books. The first book of Enoch was known from a surviving Ethiopian translation, parts of which were found in the caves of Qumran among the Dead Sea Scrolls. In 1892, however, R. H. Charles found a second manuscript of the Book of Enoch, which existed in a Slavonic text. Upon seeing the book, he also discovered that it was an entirely different Book of Enoch, and he soon translated and published it. Finally, a third Book of Enoch, which has circulated among the Babylonian Jews, was discovered and published in 1928 by Hugo Odeburg.

Andrews, H. T. An Introduction to the Apocryphal Books of the Old and New Testament. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Book House, 1964.

Charles, R. H., ed. The Book of Enoch [Ethiopic text]. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1917.

Laurence, Richard, trans. The Book of Enoch the Prophet . . . from an Ethiopian Manuscript. London: Kegan Paul, Tench, 1883.

Morfill, W. R., trans. The Book of the Secrets of Enoch. Oxford, England: Clarendon Press, 1896.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Brotherhood of the White Temple

The Brotherhood of the White Temple is a theosophical occult organization founded in 1903 in Denver, Colorado, by Maurice Doreal (d. 1963), the religious name of Claude Doggins. A lifelong student of the occult, Doreal claimed to have spent eight years in Tibet during the 1920s. He also claimed to have made contact with the Great White Lodge, the advanced beings who completed their work on earth and who now, as masters, guide the destiny of humankind. Doreal was seen as the agent for the coming Golden Age. Associated with the brotherhood is the White Temple Church.

The brotherhood was headquartered in Denver for many years, but immediately after World War II, in the atmosphere of anxiety over a possible atomic war, the brotherhood built a new headquarters complex in Sedalia, Colorado, in a valley surrounded by high mountains. The headquarters were formally moved in 1951. Two years later Doreal predicted the coming biblical Battle of Armageddon for later in the year. It did not occur, but members continued to stockpile food and other resources they might need should war break out.

The brotherhood teaches a system of Gnosticism that draws heavily on theosophical and kabalistic writings. The human soul is pictured as a spark of the divine that has devolved into matter. This experience has overwhelmed the soul, which has lost the harmony it had after being created. Teachings emphasize methods of reestablishing harmony and, with the aid of the masters, returning to the divine realms.

New members complete a series of lessons and progress through neophyte and temple grades, which can take four to five years, after which members are invited into the real inner work of the group. Some of the older members reside at the center in Colorado, but the great majority live around the country and stay in contact through correspondence. The organizations publishes a periodical, Light on the Path, and a set of booklets written by Doreal called the Little Temple Library. The more than one hundred titles in the library cover a broad range of occult topics.

Doreal, Maurice. Maitreya: Lord of the World. Sedalia, Colo.:
Brotherhood of the White Temple, n.d.
———. Man and the Mystic Universe. Denver: Brotherhood of
the White Temple, n.d.
———. Personal Experiences among the Masters and Great
Adepts in Tibet. Sedalia, Colo.: Brotherhood of the White Temple,
———. Secret Teachings of the Himalayan Gurus. Denver:
Brotherhood of the White Temple, n.d.


The Lemurian Fellowship was founded in Chicago in 1936 by Robert D. Stelle and Howard John Zitko and named for Lemuria, a continent first hypothesized in the nineteenth century as a Pacific counterpart of Atlantis. Shortly after the fellowship formed, it moved to Milwaukee and then in 1938 to Chula Vista, California, near San Diego. In 1941, the group purchased land in rural San Diego County near Ramona.

The teachings of the Lemurian philosophy were initially presented in two books, An Earth Dweller Returns and The Sun Rises. The former was written as a sequel to A Dweller on Two Planets (1899). Claiming to be channeled through Frederick William Oliver by an entity known as ‘‘Phylos the Tibetan,’’ The Earth Dweller Returns was one of the early books to discuss Lemuria. The Sun Rises, written by Stelle, goes into great detail concerning the ancient Lemurian civilization. Its philosophy is summarized in several basic laws, notably the laws of precipitation, cause and effect, compensation, correspondence, and transmutation. Zitko’s early presentation of the philosophy in The Lemurian Theochristic Conception became the basis of the fellowship’s correspondence lessons.

According to the fellowship, Christ visited Lemuria and there enunciated the Lemurian philosophy. The following also teaches that Christ reigned for 1,000 years as Melchizedek, the emperor of Atlantis. When Atlantis was destroyed, all that Christ had taught was stored away in archives of the secret brotherhoods such as the Essenes and Rosicrucians. The oldest of these brotherhoods was the Lemurians. The Lemurian Fellowship is a mundane organization designed to release the information contained in the Lemurian Brotherhood archives. The Lemurian Fellowship, which sees the New Age as the kingdom of God, believes that the kingdom will have a communal social structure in which the individual’s and society’s prosperity mutually support each other. New members in the fellowship are expected eventually to become complete participants in it.

The fellowship is located on 260 acres on two tracts of land eight miles apart. Groups of members live communally, and facilities for their welfare and fellowship administration worldwide have been constructed. Besides Gateway, the headquarters building, there is a chapel, school, dining hall, laundry, member residences, and Lemurian Crafts, a business that helps support the community. Most students to the group begin with a set of correspondence lessons. Leadership comes from the higher plane through the Council of Elder Brothers and the Advanced Ego (Stelle). Stelle led the group until his death in 1952 and was succeeded by a board of governors. Zitko left the group to found the World University. The fellowship may be contacted at :
Box 397, Ramona, CA 92065.


Lemuria, the lost continent of the Pacific, has been discussed in nineteenth- and twentieth-century occult literature as the Pacific equivalent of Atlantis. It is distinct, however, in that it is a completely modern invention, having originated in the middle of the nineteenth century as a means to solve some problems of biology. Biologists had noted the existence of very similar flora and fauna in southern India and Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) and southern Africa. The problem was that these species did not exist on the lands between. Before scientists had arrived at an understanding of continental drift, Philip L. Schattler proposed the idea of a land bridge between southern India and southern Africa. The lemur was a prominent animal whose habitat was being researched, and Schattler gave thename Lemuria to his hypothesized land bridge. The idea was quickly adopted by a number of biologists, including Ernst Haekel (1834–1891), who further hypothesized that Lemuria was the home of the missing original hominoids. (Many yet-tobe-discovered skeletons would point in different directions.) By the 1880s, the lost continent of Lemuria would be an honest (if soon-to-be-discarded) scientific theory.
In the 1880s, however, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, cofounder and major theorist of the Theosophical Society, integrated the idea of Lemuria into her understanding of human evolution. Humans evolved through a series of root races, she said. She claimed that the contemporary Anglo-Saxons were the fifth root race. The two previous root races had emerged on Atlantis and Lemuria, respectively. Blavatsky’s account of Lemuria led to further discussion in the theosophical writings of Charles W. Leadbeater and to the major book, The Story of Atlantis and the Lost Lemuria, by W. Scott-Elliot. What had started as a hypothetical land bridge between Africa and India had become a sizable continent stretching from India to New Zealand. Australia was a remnant and the Aborigines were descendants of the continent’s dwellers.

Lemuria was soon identified with the lost continent of Pan described in Oahspe: A New Age Bible, a channeled text from the hand of Spiritualist John B. Newbrough. Pan was said to be a large continent located in what is today the north Pacific. Pan’s remnants theoretically included the western coast of California, whose unique flora and fauna were another problem for nineteenth-century biologists.

A third source of speculation on Lemuria derives from the work of Augustus Le Plongeon, an archaeologist working in the late nineteenth century in Central America. At the time, the Mayan hieroglyphs in the Yucatán had not been deciphered, but Le Plongeon claimed significant progress in that regard. He suggested that the writing at Chichen Itza told the story of a princess Moo and an ancient continent to the east (Atlantis) that he called Mu. He presented his findings in 1896 in a book, Queen Moo and the Eqyptian Sphinx, but after he was given a brief hearing before his archaeological colleagues, his ideas were dismissed.

Le Plongeon would be long forgotten if his papers had not passed to one James Churchward (1832–1936). Churchward claimed to have seen what he called the Naacal tablets, a set of materials written in the lost Naacal language. The tablets told the story of a lost continent in the Pacific as described by a few of the survivors of the continent’s fiery destruction. Churchward claimed to have seen the tablets in India, but no one else to the present day has ever seen them. Combining the Le Plongeon material with stories of the Naacal tablets in his 1926 book The Lost Continent of Mu, Churchward proposed the idea of a huge continent in the Pacific south of Hawaii.

The notions about Lemuria, Pan, and Mu were melded in the 1931 Rosicrucian classic, Lemuria: The Lost Continent of the Pacific. According to H. Spencer Lewis (writing under the pen name Wishar S. Cerve), Lemuria was a mid-Pacific continent. When it was destroyed, a sliver of it was jammed against North America and became California. It is especially associated with Mt. Shasta, a prominent volcano in northern California that has become the focus of occult speculation in its own right. Five years after Lewis’s book was published, the Lemurian Fellowship, a theosophical occult group, was founded in Chicago. Its leader, Robert Stelle, expanded on the now-entrenched occult myth in two books, An Earth Dweller Returns (1940) and The Sun Rises (1952).

In the last generation Lemuria has become a standard part of New Age mythology and is frequently mentioned in channeled literature. Among the interesting twists on the idea of Lemuria is that attributed to ‘‘Ramtha,’’ the entity who speaks through J. Z. Knight. ‘‘Ramtha’’ says he was a Lemurian. Lemuria, according to ‘‘Ramtha,’’ was not a separate continent but a section of the ancient continent of Atlatia (as he calls Atlantis). An initial cataclysm, some thirty-five thousand years ago, destroyed the northern half of the continent, including Lemuria. Survivors found shelter in Onai, the great port city of Atlatia. ‘‘Ramtha’’ says he was born of a Lemurian mother who had escaped to Onai.

Blavatsky, Helena P. The Secret Doctrine. 2 vols. London: Theosophical Publishing, 1889.
Cerve, Wishar S. [H. Spencer Lewis]. Lemuria: The Lost Continent of the Pacific. San Jose, Calif.: Supreme Grand Lodge, AMORC, 1931.
Churchward, James. The Lost Continent of Mu. New York: Ives Washburn, 1926.
Le Plongeon, Augustus. Queen Moo and the Egyptian Sphinx. New York: The Author, 1896.
Melton, J. Gordon. New Age Encyclopedia. Detroit: Gale Research, 1990.
Walton, Bruce, ed. Mount Shasta: Home of the Ancients. Mokelume Hill, Calif.: Health Research, 1985.

Encyclopedia of Occultism & Parapsychology

Friday, June 24, 2011

PREMONITION (Uri ng Psychic Power)

Ang power na mag-interpret sa mga galaw ng katawan niya, tulad ng kaba, sumakit sa katawan, pintig ng katawan, dilang nakagat, naisip niyang tao, nasamid, namalikmata sa isang bagay o tao, nabasag na baso, kuwadro, crystal, sa isang kakatwang pamamaraan, natumbang bagay, galaw ng mga hayop, taktak ng butiki, mga tinig at tunog, mga naririnig na pinag-uusapan.

Kapag ang Premonition ay laging nangyayari sa isang tao, duon bumubukas ang isipan niya sa psychic ability. Dahil sa pagkakapuon ng kanyang isipan sa antas na ito ng kaisipan. Kapag ang mga pangyayaring nagaganap sa kanya ay laging nagkakatutuo, lalong tumitibay ang paniniwala niya na mayruon bahaging psychic power ang kaisipan ng isang tao, na siyang daan para mag-venture siya sa mas mataas na bahagi ng mahiwagang isipan ng tao na tinatawag na Psychic Plane -- ang ESP. Ito ang unang baytang ng tao sa pagiging psychic, kaya masasabing hindi pa ito perfect.

TOPAZ (Crystal Magic)

Energy: Projective
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Associated Metal: Gold
Associated Stone: Tiger's-eye
Powers: Protection, Healing, Weight Loss, Money, Love

Magical/Ritual Lore:
The stones we now know as peridot and olivine were named topaz in the distant past. It was used at one time to cause its wearer to become invisible.

Magical Uses:
Topaz is another of the gemstones used for protective purposes. It is considered a specific against envy, intrigue, disease, injury, sudden death, sorcery and negative magic, and lunacy. The stone was thought to be especially effective when set in gold and bound to the left arm.

Worn, it relieves depression, anger, fear, greed, frenzies, and all disturbing emotions.

Placed in the home, it is a charm against fire and accidents. When put under your pillow or worn to sleep, the topaz fends off nightmares and ends sleepwalking.

The topaz is used to relieve the pain of rheumatism and arthritis as well as to regulate the digestive system. Perhaps this is why the stone is also worn for weight loss.

Known as "lover of gold," the topaz is used to bring wealth and money. Combine with an equal amount of tiger's-eye. Empower and place these stones around a green candle. Burn the candle and visualize.

Wearing a topaz draws love.

Great Magical Papyrus in Paris (PGM IV.2943–66)

Attraction spell through insomnia:

Take the eyes of a bat and release it alive. Take a piece of unbaked dough or unmelted wax and shape a puppy dog. Put the right eye of the bat into the right eye of the puppy dog. Similarly the left into the left. Take a needle, thread it with the magical substance [ousia] and stick it through the eyes of the puppy dog, so that the magical substance is visible. Put the puppy dog into a new drinking vessel, attach a label [i.e., a tablet, or: a papyrus strip] to it and seal it with your own ring, which has crocodiles head to head [or: tail to tail; or: head to tail] to each other. Deposit it at a crossroad after having marked the spot, so that you can find it, should you wish to recover it.

Formula to be written on the label: ‘‘I adjure you three times in the name of Hecate phorphorba baibo phorborba that NN lose the fire in her eye or even lie awake with nothing on her mind except me, NN, alone. I adjure you in the name of Kore who has become the goddess of the crossroad, who is the true mother of . . . (write any name you wish) phorbea brimo nereato damon brimon sedna dardar. All-seeing one iope make her, NN, lie awake for me for all [eternity].’’


Note: For record purposes only.


THIS is the form of the Secret Seal of Solomon, wherewith he did bind and seal up the aforesaid Spirits with their legions in the Vessel of Brass.

The Seal is to be made by one that is clean both inwardly and outwardly, and that hath not defiled himself by any woman in the space of a month, but hath in prayer and fasting desired of God to forgive him all his sins, etc.

It is to be made on the day of Mars or Saturn (Tuesday or Saturday) at night at 12 o’clock, and written upon virgin parchment with the blood of a black cock that never trode hen. Note that on this night the moon must be increasing in light (i.e., going from new to full) and in the Zodiacal Sign of Virgo. And when the seal is so made thou shalt perfume it with alum, raisins dried in the sun, dates, cedar, and lignum aloes.

Also by this seal King Solomon did command all the aforesaid Spirits into the Vessel of Brass, and did seal it up with the same seal. He by it gained the love of all manner of persons, and overcame in battle, for neither weapons, nor fire, nor water could hurt him. And this privy seal was made to cover the vessel at the top withal, etc.


THIS is the Form of the Vessel of Brass wherein King Solomon did shut up the Evil Spirits, etc. (Somewhat different forms are given in the various codices. The seal [see figure] was made is brass to cover this vessel with at the top. This history of the genii shut up in the brazen vessel by King Solomon recalls the story of “The Fisherman and the Jinni” in “The Arabian Nights.” In this tale, however, there was only one jinni shut up in a vessel of yellow brass the which was covered at the top with a leaden seal. This jinni tells the fisherman that his name is Sakhr, or Sacar. Colour.—Bronze. Letters.—Black on a red band.)


This is the Form of the Magic Ring, or rather Disc, of Solomon, the figure whereof is to be made in old or silver. It is to be held before the face of the exorcist to preserve him from the stinking sulphurous fumes and flaming breath of the Evil Spirits.

(Colour.—Bright yellow. Letters, black.)


THIS is the Form of the Pentagram of Solomon, the figure whereof is to be made in Sol or Luna (Gold or Silver) and worn upon thy breast; having the Seal of the Spirit required upon the other side thereof. It is to preserve thee from danger, and also to command the Spirits by.

(Colours.—Circle and pentagram outlined in black. Names and Sigils within Pentagram black also. “Tetragrammaton” in red letters. Ground of centre of Pentagram, where “Soluzen” is written, green. External angles of Pentagram where “Abdia,” “Ballaton,” “Halliza,” etc., are written, blue.)


THIS is the Form of the Hexagram of Solomon, the figure whereof is to be made on parchment of a calf’s skin, and worn at the skirt of thy white vestment, and covered with a cloth of fine linen which and pure, the which is to be shown unto the Spirits when they do appear, so that they be compelled to take human shape upon them and be obedient.

(Colours.—Circle, Hexagram, and T cross in centre outlined in black,Maltese crosses black; the five exterior triangles of the Hexagram where Te, tra, gram, ma, ton, is written, are filled in with bright yellow; he T cross in centre is red, with three little squares therein in black. The lower exterior triangle, where the Sigil is drawn in black, is left white. The words “Tetragrammaton” and “Tau” are in black letters; and AGLA with Alpha and Omega in red letters.)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Naging advantage sa akin na ako ang nagdesign ng boarding house na iyon. Kabisado ko kung nasaan ang bawat butas. May opening sa kisame ng banyo, at doon ako pumasok. Gumapang ako at lumabas sa storage room. Binuksan ko ang ilaw at nasorpresa ako. Bukod sa imbakan ng mga gamit, ginamit na rin itong kwarto ni Mang Ramon. Magulo ang kwarto. Nagkalat ang mga mahahabang puting t-shirt na may nakasulat na sa tingin ko’y nasa wikang Latin. Mayroon ding nakasabit na iba’t ibang klaseng amulets at medalyon. Magkasabwat sina Mang Ramon at Mrs. Ronquillo! Pinatay nila si Owen! Nakita ko ang isang tear gas sa kanyang aparador. Ibinulsa ko iyon. Sa ibabaw ng mesa naman, nagkalat ang mga pictures ng iba’t ibang tao. Isa na roon ang picture ni Norberto Manero Jr.—ang pumatay sa Italyanong pari na si Fr. Tullio Favali noong April 11, 1985. Nakita ko rin doon ang isang papel na may nakalistang 21 na pangalan. Kabilang sa listahan si Elaine! Listahan ito ng mga biktima! Nasa panganib si Elaine!

Biglang bumukas ang pinto. Nariyan na si Mang Ramon! Isinalya ko sa kanya ang mesa. Isang maliit na butas ang nakita ko sa tagiliran. Gamit ang nakakalat na tubo ng tubig, sinira ko ang basa pang sementong nakatapal doon. Pinalaki ko ang butas at pilit na pinalusot ang sarili ko doon. Sabay na-realize kong naroon ang linya ng tubig na konektado sa banyo ni Elaine—sinadyang putulin!

Silong ng hagdan ang nasa kabila ng butas. Wala pa ring tao sa paligid. Mabilis akong umakyat at tinakbo ang corridor na tinatanglawan lamang ng isang ilaw. Hindi na ako kumatok, binuksan ko na agad ang kwarto ni Elaine at dali-daling pumasok sa loob. “Elaine!” tawag ko. Ngunit sa aking pagkamangha, nakita ko si Elaine nakasuot ng puting t-shirt na gaya ng nakita ko sa kwarto ni Mang Ramon. May hawak siyang itak, at nagsimulang humakbang palapit sa akin. Kasabwat din nila si Elaine!

Inundayan niya ako ng saksak. Nailagan ko iyon, mabilis akong lumabas ng kwarto. Sa corridor, nakita ko si Mang Ramon, sumusugod din sa akin, kasama ang lima pa. Lahat sila’y may hawak na itak, nakahandang pumatay. Tumakbo ako’t napasuot sa kwarto nina Rolly. Ini-lock ko ang pinto, “Rolly, kailangan na nating umalis dito!” Subalit wala pala roon ang mag-asawa. Naalala ko ang listahan. Nakalista rin doon ang pangalan nina Rolly at Jen. Napag-isip ko, hindi iyon listahan ng mga biktima. Listahan iyon ng mga nakatira sa boarding house! Mga miyembro sila ng isang kulto! At ipinatayo ni Mrs. Ronquillo ang boarding house na ito para sa kanila! Para sa kanilang bawat ritwal!

Nakabukas pa rin ang computer ni Rolly. Naroon pa rin ang picture ng medalyon. Kinakabahan na ni-research ko ang tungkol sa mga kulto. Tumambad sa akin ang listahan: Remnants of God.... Guerrero of Jesus... Sin, Salvation, Life, and Property... Rock Christ... at ang huli, The Catholic God’s Spirit na maskilala sa tawag na Tadtad.

Narinig ko ang unang taga sa pinto. Sinimulan na nila itong wasakin.

Natataranta akong binasa ang mga sumunod na article. Tumugma ang description niyon sa mga natuklasan ko kina Mang Ramon, Elaine at sa iba pa. Sila ang kultong Tadtad—isang grupong pinapatay ang kanilang mga kaaway sa pamamagitan ng taga. Nabuo ang grupo noon pang 1970’s nang gamitin sila ng mga militar na panlaban sa mga MNLF members. Dala-dala nila ang paniniwalang ang pagsusuot ng t-shirt na may nakasulat na dasal sa wikang Latin ay nagbibigay sa kanila ng kapangyarihang hindi tablan ng bala. Gayon din ang pagsusuot ng amulet na gawa sa buto ng tao. Si Norberto Manero Jr ay sinasabing isa sa mga miyembro ng Tadtad.

Lumalaki na ang butas sa pinto ng kwarto sanhi ng mga tama ng itak. Talagang desidido ang kulto na patayin ako.

Nanginginig ang mga kamay na binuksan ko ang iba pang article sa computer. Habang dumadami ang aking nalalaman, tumitindi ang takot na aking nararamdaman. Noong August 13, 2000 sa Brgy. Kimanait, Pangantucan Bukidnon, 16 na miyembro nila ang napatay nang makasagupa nila ang mga pulis habang inaaresto ang miyembrong si Roberto Madrina Jr., dahil sa pananaksak nito sa isang nagngangalang Patricio dela Cruz noong 1989.

Wasak na ang gitnang bahagi ng pinto, at may isang kamay ang pinipilit na abutin ang door knob sa loob. Wala na akong oras! Makakapasok na sila!



SATOR - isa sa pangalan ng Deus
S - lakas = SETRUM
A - tukso = ADONAI
T - tapang = TAGRAM
O - uhaw = OYAHE
R - bisyo = REGAMAL

A - tigalpo = AGLA
R - kabal = RAGESUWE
E - talino = EHATAM
P - paglalakbay = PHAA
O - gayuma = OLAMAH

T - apoy = TEPHATON
E - hating-gabi = EJAIR
N - imortalidad = NUMBAL
E - pagpapabalik = EGANAGI
T - gutom = TEGAM SIMBA

O - paggagamot = OLUSPITACH
P - mesmerismo = PASAM RAQU
E - pagtulog = EBAMSHAMA
R - palos = RENICH
A - panawag = AGAMITAM

R - tagabulag = RETUSALUO
O - pamarusa = OGAHE RUTXAS
T - hukbo = TEGNOT REHUM
A - paggamot = ABINID LAUID
S - sa araw = SAVIT NATAR

"Let there be light and there was light"

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

SATOR (Magic Square)

Isang uri ng aritmekang karunungan na pinaniniwalaang may lihim kahulugan. Isang parisukat ay nahahati sa mas maliit na mga parisukat, ang bawat isa na naglalaman ng numero ng sa gayon nakaayos na ang kabuuan ng bawat hilera, vertical, pahalang, o dayagonal, ay ang pareho lamang.

Sa ibang porma, mga titik ay ginagamit sa halip ng mga numero, ito ang pinaka-popular na pag-aayos na ang mga hilera:

Hebrew Form
Latin Form
Ang baryante ng porma ay tinukoy sa The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abra-Melin the Mage bilang isang formula upang makamit ang pag-ibig ng isang babae. Ang iba pang mga magic square ay binubuo ng mga numero o titik sa hindi regular na kaayusan na pinaniniwalaan na may kaakit-akit na kapangyarihan. Ang katulad na magic square ay sinusulat sa parchment o iba pang materyal na magsisilbing talisman.

Ang iba pang mga talismans ay giganawa sa pabilog na porma, sa wax o metal, at ginamit upang makipag-ugnayan sa mga espiritu. Minsan ito rin ay tinatawag na "selyo (seal).'' Ang magic circle ay nagsisilbing proteksyon kapag iginuhit sa lupa ng isang mahikero kapag makikipag-ugnayan sa mga espiritu.

Ang mga Talisman sa hugis ng magic square ay matagal na ring ginagamit ng mga Hindu at Moslem para sa kanilang mga ritwal na pang relihiyon.

Encyclopedia of Occultism & Parapsychology
A Compendium of Information on the Occult Sciences,
Magic, Demonology, Superstitions, Spiritism, Mysticism,
Metaphysics, Psychical Science, and Parapsychology,
with Biographical and Bibliographical
Notes and Comprehensive Indexes


By: John Capellan, Originally Posted in FACEBOOK
DAIDIG NG KABABALAGHAN - Umbraculum Mysterium

Authors Note: This story is a work of fiction. the characters, dialogues and events used herein are drawn from my own imagination. Any similarities in real life are unintentional. references to real places, establishments and events are used only to provide a sense of authenticity. Any false information about them are unintentional and are mine alone.

(Part 1/3)

Bumalik ako sa boarding house para alamin ang sanhi ng isang sirang linya ng tubig doon. Ngunit higit pa roon ang aking natuklasan, na siyang naging dahilan para tugisin ako hindi lang ng isang tao, kundi ng isang mapanganib na samahang apat na dekada nang isinilang.

Ako nga pala si Ryan, isang bagitong architect at siyang designer ng boarding house na ito sa isang baranggay sa Cabuyao, Laguna. Two-storey ito na may common kitchen at dining area, laundry at drying area, at maaliwalas na sala na nagsisilbing lobby ng labing-dalawang kwarto doon. Kahit palibot ng mataas na bakod, meron pa rin itong space para sa garden at parking area, kung saan naka-park ang aking sasakyan. Isinumbong sa akin ni Mrs. Ronquillo—ang may-ari ng boarding house, ang reklamo ng isa sa mga boarders doon tungkol nga sa sirang linya ng tubig. Kaya ako narito, kasama ang tubero kong si Owen. Alas-singko na nga kami nakarating dahil sa dami pa ng inasikaso namin sa Maynila. Nakakagulat nga, kasi two weeks pa lang nang i-turn over ko ito kay Mrs. Ronquillo, may nakatira na agad sa lahat ng kwarto. Kung sabagay, kahit kasi wala ito sa mismong bayan, malapit naman ito sa isang iskuwelahan, isang resort, at mga tindahan.

Ang caretaker ng boarding house na si Mang Ramon ang sumalubong sa amin. Sinamahan niya kami sa itaas, sa kwarto ng nagrereklamong boarder—si Elaine. Si Elaine ang pinakahuling pumasok sa boarding house four days ago. Tinungo namin ang banyo niya at nakita naming wala ngang lumalabas na tubig sa mga gripo at shower head, gayong sa ibang banyo naman ay meron. Tiningnan namin ang water line layout sa blueprint na dala ko. Sinuri. Pagkatapos ay inutusan ko si Owen na puntahan ang water meter sa ibaba, para mula roon, i-trace kung nasaan ang sira. Sinamahan siya ni Mang Ramon.

“Architect,” tawag sa akin ni Elaine, habang nakatingin ako sa plano.

“Ryan na lang, Elaine,” sabi ko.

“Ryan,” patuloy ni Elaine. “Bakit ikaw ang pumunta? Nasaan si Mrs. Ronquillo?”

“On the way na siya. Galing pa kasi siya sa Pangasinan,” sagot ko.

“Alam mo bang may iba pa akong reklamo? Tungkol ito kay Mrs. Ronquillo.”

Napatingin ako kay Elaine, at naghintay ng susunod niyang sasabihin. Masyado raw mahigpit si Mrs. Ronquillo kay Mang Ramon. Madalas daw itong galit kahit sa kaunting pagkakamali lamang. Kahit silang mga boarders ay tinatarayan nito kapag hindi nito nagugustuhan ang mga nakikita. Minsan narinig niya itong minumura ang nakatira sa katabing kwarto dahil lang sa kapirasong basurang nakakalat sa tapat ng pinto nito. Hindi pa nakuntento si Elaine at isinama pa ako sa kwartong nasa dulo ng corridor. Kwarto iyon ng mag-asawang Rolly at Jen na may kanya-kanya ring kwento tungkol sa pagmamalupit ni Mrs. Ronquillo. Idinagdag pa ni Rolly na may itinatagong medalyon ang matanda na sa tingin niya’y isang uri ng anting-anting. Gamit ang kanilang computer na may internet access, ipinakita niya sa akin ang picture ng kaparehong medalyon. Inabot na kami roon ng alas sais, pero hindi pa rin nakakabalik si Owen. Dumidilim na. Nakita na kaya niya kung nasaan ang sira? Pero hindi na ako nakatiis. Nagpaalam muna ako kay Elaine para sundan sa ibaba si Owen. Narating ko ang gate, nadaanan ko ang metro, pero hindi ko siya nakita. Ang nakita ko ay ang kotse ni Mrs. Ronquillo, nakaparada katabi ng sasakyan ko. Nandito si Mrs. Ronquillo!

Nanaig pa rin ang trabaho ko. Muli kong binuksan ang plano. Sinundan ko sa aktwal ang linya ng tubig na tumutumbok sa banyo ni Elaine. Mula sa metro, pinadpad ako niyon sa gilid ng pader ng bahay. Hanggang dalhin ako niyon sa laundry area sa dakong likod ng bahay, kung saan natuklasan ko sa ilalim ng lababo ang katawan ni Owen—tadtad ng taga sa katawan! Agad akong kinabahan. Pinagpawisan. Inilabas ko ang cellphone ko para tumawag ng pulis, subalit biglang sinugod ako ng taga ni Mang Ramon. Mabuti na lang at naisalag ko ang mga dala kong gamit, at mabilis na nakatakbo. Kasama sa mga nawasak sa pag-atakeng iyon ang aking cellphone. Napasuot ako sa pang-likurang pinto ng bahay. Kinatok ko ang mga pinto ng kwarto doon, subalit walang nagbubukas. Walang tao sa paligid kundi si Mang Ramon na nakasunod pa rin sa akin, dala sa isang kamay ang duguang itak. Napasok ko ang isang kwarto roon. Madilim. Wala ring tao. Nagtago ako sa banyo, sabay narinig ko ang yabag ni Mang Ramon na pumasok din sa kwarto. May grills ang maliit na bintana ng banyo. Imposibleng makatakas. Huli na rin para lumabas pa ako ng pinto, masasalubong ko si Mang Ramon!
